BMN 110 Phase 3B in Australian Patients

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Trial Status Completed

Trial Identifier



MPS IVA, Mucopolysaccharidosis IVA (Morquio A Syndrome)

The below information is taken directly from public registry websites such as,,, etc. and has not been edited.

Trial Summary

There is currently no treatment for MPS IVA other than supportive care for the clinical manifestations of the disease. Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with BMN 110 to replace the deficient GALNS is a potential new treatment option for MPS IVA patients. BMN 110, containing recombinant human GALNS (rhGALNS) developed by BioMarin is expected to reduce the progressive, pathologic accumulation of KS, and improve signs and symptoms of the disease.

The objective of this Phase 3B open label study (110-502) will be to evaluate the safety and tolerability of 2.0 mg/kg/week (qw) of BMN 110 in Australian patients with MPS IVA. In addition, a number of secondary and tertiary efficacy endpoints will also be investigated. The dose and regimen of BMN 110 have been selected on the basis of data from a Phase 1/2 clinical study with BMN 110, nonclinical and in vitro studies with BMN 110, and clinical and nonclinical data from other enzyme replacement therapies.

Extension Phase is included per amendment dated 10Mar 2014: To provide patients enrolled in the Initial Phase access to BMN 110 until commercial product becomes available in Australia and continue to assess long-term safety

Eligibility Criteria

Birth Sex




Healthy Volunteers



BMN 110


Phase 3

Study Type:


Number of Participants:


Study Started:


Study Updated:


Trial Locations

  • Children's Hospital at Westmead

    Westmead, New South Wales, Australia

  • Lady Cilento Children's Hospital (previous: Royal Children's Hospital)

    Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

  • Murdoch Childrens Research Institute and Royal Children's Hospital

    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

  • Princess Margaret Hospital for Children

    Perth, Western Australia, Australia

  • Pain and Anaesthesia Research Clinic, Royal Adelaide Hospital

    Adelaide, , Australia

Inclusion Criteria

1. Diagnosed with MPS IVA as confirmed by a documented GALNS enzymatic test (GALNS activity in affected range, beta-galactosidase and a second lysosomal sulfatase activity within normal range).
2. Age 12 months or older.
3. Willing and able to provide written, signed informed consent. Or, in the case of patients under the age of 18 (or other age as defined by regional law or regulation), provide written assent (if required) and have written informed consent, signed by a legally authorized representative, after the nature of the study has been explained, and prior to performance of research-related procedures.
4. If sexually active, must be willing to use an acceptable method of contraception while participating in the study.
5. If female, and of childbearing potential, must have a negative pregnancy test at Baseline and be willing to have additional pregnancy tests done during the study. Females considered not of childbearing potential include those who have been in menopause at least 2 years, or had tubal ligation at least 1 year prior to Screening, or who have had total hysterectomy. Childbearing potential will be assessed by the investigator.

Exclusion Criteria

1. Previous treatment with BMN 110.
2. Has known hypersensitivity to any of the components of BMN 110.
3. Major surgery within 3 months prior to study entry or planned major surgery during the 48-week treatment period.
4. Prior bone marrow transplant (BMT) or hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT).
5. Is pregnant or breastfeeding at Baseline, or planning to become pregnant (self orpartner) at any time during the study. Patients who become pregnant during the study will be discontinued from the study.
6. Has used any investigational product, or investigational medical device, within 30 days prior to Baseline; or is required to use any investigational agent prior to completion of all scheduled study assessments.
7. Has a concurrent disease or condition, including but not limited to, symptomatic cervical spine instability, clinically significant and/or progressive spinal cord compression, or severe cardiac disease that would interfere with study participation, or pose a safety risk, as determined by the Investigator.
8. Has any condition that, in the view of the Investigator, places the patient at high risk of poor treatment compliance or of not completing the study

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