Phenylketonuria, PKU
The below information is taken directly from public registry websites such as,,, etc. and has not been edited.
The purpose of this study is to determine if rapid drug desensitization (RDD) to Palynziq will improve drug tolerability and treatment persistence in adult patients on commercial Palynziq experiencing hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs) leading to treatment interruption or reduction of dose or dosing frequency. See Section 10.8 for full list of HSR preferred terms. Study details include:
* Study duration: Up to 30 weeks (up to 6 weeks for Screening, then RDD, and 24 weeks of follow-up)
* RDD duration: 1 day
* Palynziq dosing/follow-up duration: 24 weeks
* Palynziq dosing frequency: Individualized
From 18 Years
RDD to Palynziq
Phase 4
Chevy Chase, Maryland, United States
1.Participants must be 18 years of age or older inclusive, at the time of signing the informed consent.
3. Participants must have developed HSRs leading to treatment interruption or reduction of dose or dosing frequency (Graade 2 or above) while on Palynziq, and must be able to undergo RDD within 6weeks from the reactive HSR and last Palynziq dose.
1. Participant may not have any kind of disorders that, in the opinion of the investigator, may compromise the ability of the participant to give written informed consent and/or comply with any aspect of the study, and/or where any aspect of participation would be medically inadvisable for the underlying disorder.
2. Participant must not be pregnant on the day of the RDD.
3. Participants with uncontrolled asthma, active upper repiratory infection or other active infections, or cardiovascular disease. Asthma control will be assessed using the Asthma Control Test at screening.
4. Participants were not using antihistamine premedication(s) at the time of reactive HSRs.
5. Participants are willing and able to resume and tolerate Palynziq at the reactive dose prior to the RDD.
6. Participant must not be receiving concurrent injectables containing PEG with the exception of PEG-containing vaccines, such as COVID-19 vaccinations (see Section 6.7).
7.Participants receiving beta blockers.
Other Exclusions 9. Participants must not be experiencing reactions that are not appropriate for RDD, including severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCAR) as defined by the American Academy for Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
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